To donate, go to crowdrise.com/runpossible! If you’d like to help out as a volunteer, a coordinator, or a supporter, email us at Latimer14@gmail.com or message us on our Facebook page “runPossible Louisville”! We’ll make sure you have the tools you need to have a great time, make some fantastic friends, and get some exercise. By working together, we can make this program a great success and change our city so that it’s a better place for all of us. All it requires is one evening each week, at least twice a month. Can’t wait to hear from you!
FAQ – Click Here
Where is runPossible located?
We’re in Louisville, KY working out of St. Vincent de Paul, 1029 S. Preston Street, 6p to 7p on Tuesdays.
Who does runPossible work with?
We’re reaching out to members of the homeless community as well as the addiction recovery program (“residents”) primarily at St. Vincent de Paul, though everyone is welcome. Our volunteers come from all walks of life with a common mission of using their passion for exercise as a way to improve the community.
What happens at a run?
We gather for a short reflection and then divide up into groups of volunteers and residents to hit the streets. Each week we have various mileage options to accommodate all levels of walkers and runners. We’re finished within an hour.
What’s going on other than weekly runs?
runPossible athletes participate in community runs/walks (like the Mayor’s Hike and Bike).
How much time do I need to commit as a volunteer?
Consistency is very important to us and to the people we serve, so it’d be great to see all our volunteers out there at least twice a month!
Can I do more than just show up to run/walk or what if I can’t run/walk but still want to help out?
What a great question! Of course! There are plenty of opportunities to participate in leadership. We’re also happy to accept donations of gently used running gear.
Can I be a sponsor?
Another wonderful question! Though we’ve applied for grants and are receiving in-kind donations from running shops and other businesses in Louisville, we still need to provide our athletes with proper running and walking gear. We also need to add a part-time coordinator salary. Sponsors can be corporate or individual. Individual sponsorship is a great way to get involved if you can’t make it to our runs – we’ll hook you up with an athlete in need and even give you the opportunity to connect at the community races!
Do we run rain or shine?
We do run in most weather. Thunder or lightning or extreme winter weather will keep us inside for a workout.
What will we talk about during the walk/ runs?
Running is a great equalizer, bringing people from all different backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses together as a team. Ask open ended questions and allow the participants to open up to you as they feel comfortable. Likewise, share what you are comfortable about your story and life. You might be surprised as to what you have in common!